For one day only at the start of the Festival you can visit Bavaria's bigggest fleamarket with over 2,000 exhibitors selling everything imaginable. The most exotic item I saw on offer was a digeridoo.
These two were more interested in something a little more mundane - old vinyl LP's. They stood side by side, oblivious of each other and everything else, patiently searching through the thousands of records spread across this exhibitors table. I moved away before they did so I don't know if either of them ever found a bargain.
A good picture - very natural ..
I enjoyed looking at the photographs on your Blog.
Thanks Petrus. The nice thing about a fleamarket of this size with so many people is that youcan get good candid shots without people being aware. Buyers are often so engrossed in their search for a bargain that they are oblivious.
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